A Little Update

It’s been awhile since I wrote a post, committing the cardinal sin of blogging; I should be doing regular updates, probably at least twice a week. I’m nowhere near that. But hey, it’s my blog so I’ll do it my way.

If you’ve read any of my other articles, you’ll know that I’ve not been a fan of 2012. It’s been a pretty crummy year, but things have turned around. I’m two days in to my new job and I can say without a doubt that I love it. The work will be challenging but rewarding, the team I get to work with is full of smart, wonderful and friendly people who already have shown that my opinion is valued and welcomed and the work I do ultimately makes a difference in the City of Toronto. Can’t complain about that!

With the holidays approaching, of course your thoughts turn to friends and family. And as I said in my last post, my family and friends have been asked to support me through a lot this year. You (and I say you because 99% of the readers of this blog are friends/family) have no idea how grateful I am for your constant love, support and ears (for the times I need to rant and rave about how unfair life has been – a pity party, in short).

So, the year of crumminess looks to be ending on a very high note; that makes me happy. While I hope that none of you go through things where the support you provided me is needed, as I said last post, if it is, I certainly owe you.

How do I feel about life right now? Well, once again, a 70’s TV theme says it all. Just replace the female pronouns with male ones.

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